ARMISTICE DAY 11am 11.11.

On the eleventh hour, on the eleventh day of the eleventh month the guns fell silent signalling the end of World War 1.We will be celebrating this with a brief service by the flag pole where the Deputy Lord-Lieutenant will lay a wreath on behalf of the trustees. Could you all try and make the… Continue reading ARMISTICE DAY 11am 11.11.

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University Poppy Pilgrimage to Lay Wreath at North Memorial Homes

On Tuesday 2nd November at 9am North Memorial Homes will welcome representatives of the Poppy Pilgrimage from the University of Leicester. You are cordially invited to attend a wreath laying Ceremony by the Flagpole outside the Hall. The end of the First World War marked the start of our story… the beginnings of a university… Continue reading University Poppy Pilgrimage to Lay Wreath at North Memorial Homes

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