How to apply
To be considered for a place in one of our homes, we ask that you meet one of the following criteria, in decreasing priority:
A person who served in HM forces and lives or previously lived in Leicestershire.
Widows, widowers and dependants of the above who are in need, hardship, or distress.
A person who is in need, hardship or distress who live or have lived in Leicestershire.
The Homes are for independent living and thus do not have an on-site warden. All residents have to be able to take care of themselves. Repairs and maintenance of the properties are promptly seen to and the grounds are maintained to a high standard. Residents do pay a weekly maintenance contribution.

Interested in applying for one of our special homes?

Find out more about our criteria for application, and to download an application form.
To be considered for a place in one of our homes, we ask that you meet a few criteria. To learn more about these click here.
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