Newsletter – July 2021


Dear Resident

Welcome to the Chairman’s latest Newsletter of 2021.


  1. New Website.

Considerable work has gone into developing an exciting new website which we expect to go live very shortly. I should like to thank Lt.Col. David Young for his efforts in bringing this project to a conclusion.


  1. Asbestos survey.

This should be taking place as this Newsletter is being written, and is necessary before any others work is done on the properties.


  1. Communal/ Shared Areas.

Each of the 30 existing flats has an area at the side or rear of the building. These are not all the same, with some being larger than or a different shape from the others. This is why the Residents’ Handbook doesn’t set out any hard and fast rules on how they are to be used.

The Trustees expect the residents of each set of ground floor & 1st floor flats to reach an amicable agreement on sharing these communal areas. Good neighbourliness is a requirement of the terms of your licence agreement & the Trustees would not wish to be involved except where the parties are unable to reach agreement.

To remove any doubt, these communal areas are to be shared & are not for the exclusive use of any one resident.


  1. Ring Main.

The recent survey by County Drains has revealed considerable work is required to the drainage system. This will involve a fair amount of groundworks which will I am afraid cause disruption, especially to areas behind the flats which will need to be dug up. We are not aware of any previous significant works being done to the drainage system which is almost 100 years old. So it is not surprising major works are required, and these need to be carried out before the rest of the project starts.

We have asked the contractors to do their utmost to minimise the disruption, but if we are realistic you should expect to be inconvenienced whilst the works are carried out, hopefully later this month.


  1. Replacement doors & windows.

We are experiencing some delay as none of the contractors we approached was able or willing to produce a quotation to meet our requirements.  We have subsequently approached 2 additional firms & hope to receive their estimates quite soon. We are still aiming for this work to be completed this year or very early in 2022.


  1. Replacement kitchens & bathrooms.

As this work programme is unlikely to start for a little time yet, the Trustees have decided to postpone the planned surveys until the other aspects of the refurbishment project are completed.


  1. Further improvements.

The Trustees are considering the feasibility of converting some of the one bedroom flats into 2 bedroom properties by extending at the back. A number of contractors have visited the site & been asked to produce plans with estimated costs. As soon as progress is made, the Trustees plan to meet with residents to explain what the plans entail.


Tony Nelson
Chair of Trustees